Refund Policy

The refund policy of our advertisement agency ensures customer satisfaction and transparency. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the services provided, you may be eligible for a refund. We understand that sometimes unexpected circumstances may arise, and we are committed to resolving any issues in a fair and timely manner. To request a refund, please contact our customer support team with a detailed explanation of the situation. Our team will carefully review your request and determine if you qualify for a refund according to our policy. We value our customers and strive to provide the best possible experience, and our refund policy reflects this commitment.

  • We encourage our consumers to avail the benefit of promotions advertised through Corporates ( Eligible promotion amount is credited to our consumer's account on 2nd day of placing the order for non-dashboard consumers whereas this is invoiced and paid on each Sunday to those who have CADP dashboard.

  • As refund policy of our channel partners varies for each product/services/solutions, hence we encourage our customers to adhere the delivery guidelines shared by the respective E-commerce enterprises.

  • For Returned/Cancelled orders, the paid CADP promotion amount is adjusted with next invoices.

  • Please find the below additional details,
    Refund Mode - Electronic
    Cancellation - To be Taken Care by E-Commerce Vendor
    Shipping & Delivery - To be Taken Care by E-Commerce Vendor

Key Points