Our Publications

Publications play a crucial role in disseminating information and knowledge to the masses. They can be categorized into various types, such as academic journals, newspapers, magazines, and books. Each category serves a distinct purpose and holds its own significance. Academic journals are highly specialized and focus on publishing research and scholarly articles, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in specific fields. Newspapers are essential for staying updated with current events and provide a platform for public discourse. Magazines cater to specific interests and provide in-depth coverage on topics ranging from fashion and lifestyle to science and technology. Books, on the other hand, offer comprehensive knowledge and exploration of various subjects. Understanding the different categories of publications is vital as it helps us access information effectively and enables us to make informed decisions in our personal and professional lives.

Adeptness of Unix & Linux

Numerous mission critical applications are installed on top of Unix/Linux labs to deliver the expected functionalities/features to the end user. These platforms offer an environment for automation where several small to large scale scripts/programs enhance the efficiency of server to achieve uptime every time. The book illustrates so many important aspects of Unix-like inbuilt utilities, commands, loops, conditions, functions, operators, arrays, user account management, etc. for various flavors.

Heritage of Rising Nation

Over the centuries, India is known for affluent heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief and political systems, artifacts, and technologies. The book is attributed to poetically articulate numerous aspects of diversity, music and songs, art and culture, sports, natural beauty, countryside hallmarks, great emperors, freedom fighters, armed forces, and novel revolutions.

Jeewan Sangrah

जीवन संग्रह एक ऐसी पुस्तक है, जिसमें जिंदगी के हर महत्वपूर्ण उद्देश्य को परिपूर्ण करने की कोशिश की गयी है | इसमें लेखिका ने धर्म, संस्कार, सामाजिकता, प्यार, प्रकृति, स्त्री, और बच्चों की सीख जैसे प्रभावशाली बिंदुओं को कविता के भाव से लिखा है | सभी कवितायें बहुत सरल ढंग से समझाई गयी हैं और इसी सरलता से इन्हें लिखना कवित्री का उद्देश्य था जो उन्होंने इस पुस्तक में पूरा किया है |